
I am not daring. I don’t gamble or take a lot of risks. I am quite timid – and often looking to avoid getting hurt {mentally, physically and emotionally}. I am full of fear. Deep down, I am the biggest wuss you might know.

But I am learning how to deal with it. How to deal with me. {If you are sick of reading this already, ask my husband what his secret is.}

But for reals. I am learning how to channel it.

Channeling aversion into action.

Channeling wait into opportunity.

Channeling sadness into purpose.

Channeling anger into motion.

Channeling time into memories.

{Fortunately or unfortunately – the jury is still out} I have an enthusiastic ebb and flow of emotions which may cause most the struggle and finally, I have found an outlet that allows me to drain the access anguish and fear out of my life.



It has allowed me to see some bright lights at the end of some pretty dark tunnels. It has helped me channel the destructive inner voice and boiling anxiety bottled up inside into productive and rewarding achievements. It feels like I defy pain more and more with every run. Heartache will be a staple of life from time to time {just like a bruised toe from a long run} but I have learned how to focus it. Channel it. Using these damaging emotions to better myself has been journey that I will continue to work on.

It feels like weights being removed from my chest over and over. It feels like I am getting closer and closer to freedom and I actually feel brave for the first time in my life.

With growing grit comes growing courage. And with growing courage comes growing goals.


Here is to reaching my next goal… I am ready to cross the finish line of a full marathon right in my hometown, MKE! And I am excited to say it will happen this November. {I have been saying it, but that was a little scary just typing it for real.}

Sign up for a 5k, half or full marathon today! Channel whatever is causing your suffering into a bigger goal. Training makes you brave. It makes you forget about life as you want it. Training makes you focus on life as you make it. This quote has been a driver for me lately:


Thanks for all your support and stay tuned for the “pursuit to my first full marathon” which will unfold right here on the blog.


Many Blessings and Cheers, Jax